English Lesson : the use of possessive adjective (kata ganti milik)

hello good night, tonight i want to explain about the use of possessive adjective, as we have learn before ( personal pronoun ) in other post. maybe its same as the personal pronouns, the different is in the using of this.

possessive adjective are used to express possession ( kepunyaan ) are followed by a noun. jadi dalam possessive adjective ini harus digunakan dengan menggunakan nouns(kata benda). misalnya : its my car (ini mobil saya)

possesive adjective have a seven form. look the table bellow >>



Possessive Adjective















Example :

  • she is my girlfriend
  • this is your pencil ?
  • he is our son
  • i like them very much
  • he is her boyfriend
  • she is his son

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English Lesson : the use of personal pronouns ( kata ganti orang )

selamat malam, kali ini aku bakalan ngebahas tentang penggunaan kata ganti orang, yah ini sangat simpel dan mudah sekali dipahami ini hanya mengganti nama seseorang atau benda. mari kita bahas bersama sama tentang personal pronouns ini.

personal pronouns are used to replace person or thing. for example : He is Handsome today; She is beautiful; We are one.

Jika orang atau benda sebagai pelaku maka digunakan lah subject : I, You, We, They, She, He, It

Jika orang atau benda sebagai dikenai pekerjaan digunakanlah object : Me, You, Us, Them, Her, Him, It.

example :

  • this is new car. Do you like it ?
  • i love you. Do you love me ?
  • i don’t like them.
  • i love her very much.

English Lesson : the use of nouns (penggunaan kata benda)

okay selamat malam safaat blogs semua, kali ini aku bakalan ngebahas tentang yang penggunaan kata benda pada bahasa inggris, nah bagi yang pertama mendengar kata ini, kata bernda ini bukan kata kata benda saja. aku juga pikirnya dulu kayak gituh eh ternyata bukan benda doang loh. yu kita bahas sama sama 🙂

nouns are the name of Persons (orang) , things (benda), Place (tempat) etc. Nouns can be the subject of sentences or object of the verb.

nouns can be :

1. the name of persons (orang), example : Asep, Rizqy, Iman.

example use of word : Iman is the handsome man.

2. the names of places(tempat), example : Indonesia, America, etc

example use of word : Indonesia have beautiful landscape and cutural.

3. the names of things(benda), example : Chair, Windows, Hotel etc.

example use of word : this hotels is very luxurious

4. the names of professions (profesi), example : Doctor, Lawyer, etc.

example use of word : he is a new lawyer from this company.

5. the names of animals (hewan), example : Dog, Cat etc.

example use of word : cat is a cute animal

6. the names of abstract nouns (kata benda abstrak), example : Happiness, Sadness etc.

example use of word :  Happiness is worthy in life.

7. the names of activity (aktifitas), example : Foot Ball, Martial Arts, etc.

example use of word : martial arts is come from Indonesia.

8. the names of days and month, example : Sunday, Monday, week, etc.

example use of word : tomorrow is sunday.

9. the names of subject (mata pelajaran), example : mathematics, economic, etc

example use of word : asep good at economic.

10. the name of families (kelaurga/saudara), example : father, son, etc.

example use of word : my father is come from Bandung.

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