Terjemahan cerita The Cleverest Student

Evi, who is the cleverest student in the class, doesn’t go to school anymore. She has to stop studying because she cannot pay school fee.

Budi, her classmate, came to see her at home.

“Why don’t you go to school again?” asked Budi. “Our teachers asked me where you were,” continued Budi.

“I am sorry. Now I have to stay at home because my father has stopped working at factory,” told Evi.

“I am sorry to hear that. I think it is not a serious problem,” said Budi.

“Oh, not to me. What do you think if I stop studying,” asked Evi.

“No . . . it is not a good solution. Tomorrow you and I meet our headmaster to tell about this. Are you with me?” asked Budi.

At school they meet the headmaster in his office.

The headmaster is surprised to see the two students in his office. “What’s up? What can I do for you?” asked the headmaster.

“Excuse me, Sir. May I study here without payment? My father cannot pay my school fee. Because now he just stays at home after he has been laid off by the company,” told Evi.

“Okay. If so, you may not stop studying here. All payments are my responsibility” said the headmaster.

“You are a very smart student. I’m glad you still want to study in this school.”

“Thank you very much. That’s kind of you,” said Evi happily


artinya :

Siswa terpandai

Evi,  adalah murid terpandai di kelas,dia tidak pergi ke sekolah lagi. Dia harus berhenti belajar karena dia tidak bisa membayar biaya sekolah.
Budi, teman sekelasnya, datang menemuinya di rumah.
“Kenapa kau tidak pergi ke sekolah lagi?” tanya Budi. “Guru-guru kami bertanya padaku di mana kau berada,” lanjut Budi.
“Saya minta maaf. Sekarang aku harus tinggal di rumah karena ayah saya telah berhenti bekerja di pabrik,” kata Evi.
“Saya menyesal mendengar itu. Saya pikir itu bukan masalah serius,” kata Budi.
“Oh, tidak bagiku Apa yang Anda pikirkan jika saya berhenti belajar,.” Tanya Evi.
“Tidak.. Itu. Bukan solusi yang baik. Besok kau dan aku bertemu kepala sekolah kami untuk memberitahu tentang hal ini. Apakah Anda dengan saya?” tanya Budi.
Di sekolah mereka bertemu kepala sekolah di kantornya.
Kepala sekolah terkejut melihat dua mahasiswa di kantornya. “Apa yang terjadi Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk Anda??” tanya kepala sekolah.
“Permisi, Pak boleh saya belajar di sini tanpa pembayaran?. Ayah saya tidak bisa membayar biaya sekolah saya. Karena sekarang ia hanya tinggal di rumah setelah ia telah diberhentikan oleh perusahaan,” kata Evi.
“Oke Jika demikian, Anda tidak dapat berhenti belajar di sini Semua pembayaran adalah tanggung jawab saya..” Kata kepala sekolah.
“Anda adalah mahasiswa yang sangat cerdas aku senang kau masih ingin belajar di sekolah ini..”
“Terima kasih banyak. anda baik sekali,” kata Evi gembira

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